How your donations help
Donations to NOW not only fund our capital campaign but future programming as well for all the valley youth.
Some companies will match your donation! Check with your company’s Human Resources contact for more info, and please let us know if you need confirmation of information or anything else to get the process going.
Do you work for the State of Vermont? You can donate directly from your paycheck! Visit the VtSHARES website to learn more.
Donating stock or other securities to NOW has its advantages:
The donor receives an income tax deduction for the full market value of the donated stock or security
Donors will avoid paying capital gains taxes on the appreciation of the value of the donated stock or security;
Donors will support Neck Of the Woods at a lower cost to them, as compared to making a cash gift; and
Neck Of the Woods will sell the stock without paying capital gains taxes.
Before donating appreciated securities, you should always seek professional tax advice.
Any donor with stocks bonds would initiate the transfer from their end by requesting the transfer with their bank/custodian.
The information you will want to provide for incoming security transfers to Neck of the Woods is
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
DTC Clearing 0164
Code 40
For further credit to: Neck of the Woods account
Other questions to Kara below.
Kara Simanskas Nihan
Sr. Client Service Specialist
535 Stone Cutters Way
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 229-2838